Tech partners
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Climate Change Solutions is a not for profit company which develops synergies and partnership's to promote the development of low carbon technical solutions to address Climate Change. The company has been particularly involved in the Hydrogen and Fuel cell sector hosting the UK´s key international conference for the last 12 years. |
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The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) is a national, non-profit association that supports Canadian corporations, governments and educational institutions that are developing, demonstrating and deploying hydrogen and fuel cell products and services in Canada. Our members work on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, components, systems supply and integration, fuelling systems, fuel storage, and engineering and financial services. The CHFCA was formed in January 2009 when the Canadian Hydrogen Association (CHA) and Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Canada (H2FCC) merged together. The merge united all of the members of the former groups to create a vibrant, influential association. Headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, the CHFCA represents the majority of the stakeholders in Canada's hydrogen and fuel cell sector. |
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The Spanish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technological Platform (PTE HPC) is an initiative developed by the Spanish Hydrogen Association, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and active since May 2005. The main goal of the PTE HPC is to promote and accelerate the development and use of hydrogen and fuel cell energy systems and components for transport and stationary and portable applications in Spain, considering all the R&D chain. More than 170 Spanish entities related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies participate in this platform. These entities contribute their experience, knowledge and opinions to the elaboration of documents, making possible the establishment of the scientific, industrial and technological guidelines which should be adopted to promote the incorporation of the hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and hence giving energetic solutions and stimulating a new industrial and technological service sector. |
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ETPIS addresses safety of industrial installations and production systems from various industry sectors. ETPIS deals with occupational health and safety of the workers in industry, environmental safety, and the prevention of major accidents with off-site consequences. ETPIS works on conventional risks, on emerging risks and on Safety technologies, products and services. Improvement of industrial safety is important not only in human terms, to reduce workers’ pain and suffering, death toll and environmental & societal impact in case of major accidents, but it is also a way of ensuring that enterprises are successful and sustainable in economic terms. ETPIS provides a significant contribution to the EU2020 Strategy, in particular to the sustainability and competitiveness targets, while implementing the ETPIS long term Vision adopted in 2005. This Vision is still up-to-date and very much aligned with the EU 2020 Strategy. |
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The German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) is an advocacy group that since 1996 has encouraged the rapid and effective commercial introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier and fuel-cell technology. The aim is to bring all aspects of a future supply infrastructure for hydrogen, its production and energy utilisation into discussion as well as taking an active part in developing the market. DWV identifies research and development problems in the field of safety or economy and cooperates with associations and institutions all over the world that work along similar lines. Within the German and European energy policy the DWV is promoting a suitable political framework that will enable hydrogen generated from renewable energy to make a significant contribution towards an economically successful energy transition. Our membership in total accounts for more than 1.5 million jobs in Germany. The DWV therefore represents a significant portion of the German economy. |
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The Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2) is an initiative developed by Spain’s private sector, research centres and universities. It is partly funded by the Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness (MINECO) and contains representatives of that ministry and also of the Ministries of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR) and Agriculture, Food and the Environment (MAGRAMA). PTECO2’s chief goal is to create a favourable environment for investment in R&D and innovation, foster the creation of an innovative business fabric and increase technological capacity in processes for efficiency improvement and carbon capture, utilization and storage, CCUS, and to support the rolling out of these technologies in industry. |
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Spanish Platform for Environmental Technologies - PLANETA aims to boost public–private collaboration for research and innovation in resources efficiency and environmental technologies. Its main goals are to promote environmental technologies and boost the alignment of the Spanish and European research and innovation priorities and actions while support public bodies in designing strategies related to environmental sector and innovation. PLANETA involve more than 290 innovative organisations: large companies, SMEs, public bodies, universities and public and private research bodies. Main objectives:
Strategic lines: Water Cycle, Wastes and raw materials, Air quality and climate change, Eco-innovation. |
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Ukrainian Association for Hydrogen Energy was created in 2009 by the hydrogen fuel advocates, people who want to change our world to the cleaner one. The aim of the Association is to spread the role of hydrogen in energetic infrastructure of Ukraine. The association promotes application of environmentally friendly types of fuel which is beneficial for environment conservation. Activity of the Association in this direction is stimulation of the use of hydrogen fuel technology, mainly via providing corresponding information to people and collaborating with other associations and companies in the field. |
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Instituto de la Ingeniería de España -I.I.E.- Nonprofit public interest organization: It is the Federation of Associations, branch Federations and Territorial Institutes of Engineers: Aeronautical, Agronomics, Civil, Industrial, I.C.A.I., Forester, Mining, Naval architect and Telecommunication, within the Spanish state. It was created at the beginings of the 20th century (1905). Through its associations, nowadays brings together more than a hundred thousand master degree engineers in all specialties. Its main aim is “to encourage and contribute to the progress of engineering, being at service of the integral development and the common good of society”, maintaining cooperation lines with public and private entities, nationally and internationally, besides "to promote and contribute to improving the teaching of engineering and continuous training" It represents the Spanish engineering at all international level as member of, among other organizations, FEANI, UPADI and FMOI, among others. |
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N.ERGHY is a European association bringing together more than 60 leading European research institutions in the field of Fuel Cells & Hydrogen (FCH) technologies. It speaks as a united voice to support, facilitate and assure the research community's representation in key processes of the European Research Area. N.ERGHY establishes links between research and industrial sector through pro-active engagement at key events and policy- building processes. N.ERGHY:
N.ERGHY represents leading FCH research in Europe. |
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The Spanish Photovoltaic Technological Platform established in March 2012 with the main targets of promoting the Spanish photovoltaic technology and placing the Spanish companies in the frontline of the research and industrialization. FOTOPLAT is coordinated by UNEF and Tecnalia, and founded by representatives of the entire value chain of Photovoltaic industry: technology companies, universities, technology and R&D centres, and Administration represented by MINECO, IDAE and CDTI. |
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The California Fuel Cell Partnership is a collaboration of organizations, including auto manufacturers, energy providers, government agencies and fuel cell technology companies, that work together to promote the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. By working together, we help ensure that vehicles, stations, regulations and people are in step with each other as the technology comes to market. |
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The Danish Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells works to contribute to the realization of maintaining domestic security of energy supply. The Partnership wishes to create a better environment with growth and prosperity in Denmark. Therefore, The Partnership supports the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, which will be necessary in order to achieve independence of fossil fuels in 2050. The Partnership is an organization that brings together Danish manufacturers, research institutions, network organizations and authorities under a common goal: promoting hydrogen and fuel cells in Denmark. Our members deal with all aspects of hydrogen and fuel cells and therefore have great interest in getting our technology developed. The Partnership focuses on promoting research, development, demonstration and commercialisation, and thereby serves as a bridging organization between private and public stakeholders. |
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The Spanish Technological Platform of Electrical Grids FUTURED was created for the purpose of integrating all the agents involved in the electricity sector to define and promote strategies at the national level to allow the consolidation of a more advanced network capable of responding to the challenges of the future. FUTURED was formed in October 2005 as a meeting point and a common forum for dialogue to allow greater mutual understanding among its member organizations and bodies, identify potential opportunities for collaboration, define a shared vision, and if necessary, defend a common position in relation with their target audiences. The Spanish Electrical Grid Platform was created to foster the technological evolution of Spanish electricity transmission and distribution systems in order to promote the technological leadership, the sustainable development and an increased competitiveness. |
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The Spanish Water Technology Platform (PTEA) arose as a network of public-private cooperation, created to be a meeting point/forum, in a national level, among every scientific, technological and business stakeholder to promote research, development and innovation, besides technological upgrading applicable to the sustainable management of water resources. It also aims to promote the leadership of the Spanish technology sector worldwide, as well as improving employment and competitiveness. Nowadays, PTEA is constituted as an association of 100 entities, which develop all kind of activities within the broad spectrum of sectors where utilization and management of water is a key. PTEA's mission is to help develop technologies and solutions that ensure the sustainable management of water resources. PTEA has recently been selected as one of the Innovation Hubs of the EIP on Water. |
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The Spanish Technology Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA) arises to promote Research, Development and Innovation in the fishing and aquaculture sector, including the transformation and commercialization of its products. PTEPA is the only technological initiative at the national level that groups the whole value chain of this sector. After all the way round since its start up, in 2007, PTEPA has nowadays more than 290 entities linked, from which more than 530 experts proceed, and it still keeps adding new members, becoming in that way, an element of cohesion and coordination of R+D+I at the national level in terms of fishing an aquaculture.
Currently PTEPA is in its main stage of development: since the technological priorities that must be boosted are already defined by the representatives of the sector, PTEPA is acquiring a proactive role in order to take these proposals into reality, creating market-oriented projects and giving responses to society challenges. |
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The European Hydrogen Association (EHA) is the point of reference for EU decision makers on national developments: in 2000 six national hydrogen organisations established to promote the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier in Europe; in 2016 the EHA is representing 20 national associations active in the promotion of hydrogen and fuel cells as integral part of Europe's transition to a low carbon energy and transport system. This unique representation enables the EHA to be invited to key EU Commission transport and energy policy working groups meetings (Cars 21, Future Transport Fuels Expert Group) to communicate local and national developments and report relevant EU policy to members. Over the years the EHA network of associations has become a dissemination instrument for FCH JU and other EU project results, allowing national and local stakeholders to gain insight in results, and impact of key developments to engage national actors. The EHA website consistently ( sees 80.000 unique visitors every year. |